One of the ministries in which Steve and Rachel are heavily involved is Enfoque Familiar, or Family Focus. This is a ministry which seeks to equip the local church to evangelise and disciple children, through the use of quality materials in Spanish, and through mobilising and training workers within local churches.

This morning we had an early start as we went along with Steve to a breakfast he was hosting for local Pastors, in order to highlight the work of Enfoque Familiar and its usefulness for local churches in the Arequipa area. There was a good attendance, and after a tasty breakfast of ham and cheese rolls Steve explained the work of Family Focus, using Powerpoint. There was a bookstall available afterwards, with brilliant resources ranging from Scripture Union materials translated into Spanish, to volumes by our own Sam Doherty in translation also.

Translating and publishing these resources is a titanic task, but this is a vital and God-honouring ministry, and it was lovely for us to be present and to see the dramatic effect which the work of Family Focus is having, and could potentially have on young lives in Peru.
Sounds like you are having the trip of your life! You don't need me to tell you how good it is just to meet and fellowship with Christians in another culture. May the Lord continue to make you a blessing to those you meet and watch over you. To Him be the glory.
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