How Great Thou Art

A quote from scientist Charles Misner in John Piper's Let the Nations Be Glad regarding Einstein's rejection of Christianity has spoken volumes to me -
"The design of the universe is very magnificent and shouldn't be taken for granted. In fact, I believe that is why Einstein had so little time for organised religion, although he strikes me basically as a very religious man. He must have looked at what the preachers said about God and felt they were blaspheming. He had seen so much more majesty than they have ever imagined, and they were just not talking about the real thing. My guess is that he simply felt that religions he'd run across did not have proper respect for the author of the universe."
Living in the shadow of the Andes, or amidst the lushness of Armagh, do I really show proper respect for the One who formed, fashioned and sustains all that I see around me? And more than that, do I truly grasp what it meant for Him not to spare His Son, but send Him to die to take away my sin?
Elvis, our bus driver, had a picture of Jesus sealed into the gear lever of his bus. We have the living Creator God truly sealed within our hearts through personal faith in His Son, and yet I don't think I understand a fraction of His majesty!
May God give us grace to know Him better, to worship Him more fully, and to publish His name more widely.
Glad to hear you arrived safely, and great to see that you are having an enjoyable trip (and of course the food!), some great photos!
remembering you both in prayer.
god bless
jillian, trevor, james, andrew, gareth & of course adam.
Following your trip with great prayerful interest, keeping all at ABC informed with Powerpoint & Prayer.
Keep sending the photos & Info and we will keep all informed.
Warm regards to all SIM folk & BM missionaries.
Continue to have a great time.
Love & God Bless
Ken & Freda
Ken & Freda
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