One of the things that I enjoy most in life is reading, and one of the things I love about reading is the library of books which God has graciously given to us at home. There's a sense of real freedom in going along the shelves and picking a book to read a section or chapter from at will.
This works very well until it comes time to travel...
Every year I have an internal debate when going on holiday as to which books to bring and which to leave. Its usually a difficult decision when we're going away for a week, but now that we're looking ahead to almost 6 weeks leave in Peru, I'm completely stuck!!
So I've narrowed it down to a few, the logic operative behind the choices is that some of them will double up as books which Carolyn will enjoy as well - with a few exceptions. The shortlist (if it can be called that) looks a little like this:
Biblical Theology - Geerhardus VosLet the Nations Be Glad - John PiperIn the Shadow of the Almighty - Elizabeth ElliottTotal Abandon - Gary WitherallElijah - A.W. PinkSummary of Christian Doctrine - Louis BerkhofA Troubled Journey - Faith CookI Dared to Call Him Father - Bilquis Sheikh and Richard H. Schneider That's what it looks like so doubt it may get a little longer as I sneak a few other volumes into the suitcases. Just don't tell Carolyn!!!