Sorry for the lack of posts once again, but here are a few highlights of our time in Tacna. We've had a really good week, in spite of Andrew not feeling 100%. We've enjoyed a good variety of experiences, met some lovely people, and been enriched by our fellowship with the Peschay and Cono Sur churches. The picture to the left is of the two Pastors from Peschay, Ramon and Juan - two lovely servants of God. In 2000 we came to know Ramon particularly well and have kept in contact in the intervening period - so it was wonderful to see him in person again.

On Sunday morning we worshipped in the Peschay Church. Andrew preached and many of the believers participated with 'especials' (special singing items). After the church service we shared some food which the brothers and sisters had prepared. These are exciting times for the Peschay Church with the construction of their new church building well under way. They continue to meet in their old building, the rear of which has been cut away to make room for construction work. It was a blessing to walk around inside the site, and imagine what it will be like for them to worship there in the future.
In the evening we attended the Manantial de Vida Church in Cono Sur, at which the director of the Bible Institute brought a challenging message from Matthew 7. The church are looking forward to a baptismal service on Sunday(23rd), as well as a combined youth rally with the other Cono Sur churches on Saturday 29th.
On Monday evening we went along to the Bible Hour at the Bible Institute. It was great to renew fellowship with Ken and Jeannie Scott, and to meet Graham Williamson for the first time. Another highlight was our reunion with Blanca Valenzuela, who was with us in Armagh at the beginning of the year. We were also blessed to meet Luz Maria who will be working at the Ite Camp and Conference Centre in coming days. The Bible Hour 'does exactly what it says on the tin', in that it is an hour's Bible study which draws folks from all around Tacna. It was really well attended, and it was particularly encouraging to see so many young people coming along.

On Tuesday, Carolyn and Yury had opportunity to see the work of a local school in Cono Sur. This was a welcome opportunity for Carolyn to see teaching in a different culture and environment, as well as to get some classroom ideas!!

Football Fever also hit Tacna this week! Many of you showed real kindness in donating football shirts which we have been able to give to brothers and sisters here in Tacna. The sizes ranged from adult to child, and everyone was delighted to recieve their top. We have a clutch of photos to show of the tops with their happy new owners when we return!
Tomorrow we hope to travel down to Ilo to spend five days with Trevor and Christine. It will be great to renew fellowship with them as a family, to see the work in La Pampa again, and to be introduced to the work in Ite - particularly the camp and conference centre. We'd value your prayers as it will be quite a busy time with two speaking engagements on Sunday, and one on Tuesday night. Thanks again for all of your support and contact. We're upholding you all at home in prayer as well.
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